OVERVIEW- Over the years Aqua Omega Services has acquired considerable assets to support its range of activities both underwater, on water, above water and onshore. The company has a large technical and mechanical workforce employed to solve the purpose. This has enabled Aqua Omega Services to carry out highly complex and innovative projects.
Our Diving Assets are arguably the best in the business and we are actively working to expand substantially.
Air Diving system
A Diving Spread from which one carries out Diving to depths up to 50 meters. We own and operate two air diving systems designed and built to IMCA standards which support our air diving operations. Each unit is equipped with a Deck Decompression Chamber and a certified LARS (Launch and Recovery System). Our schedule of certifications is closely monitored and well maintained. Our air diving systems are compliant with the requirements and qualifications of our end-customers.
Water Blasters
Popularly known as high Pressure water jet amongst divers, they are used for marine growth and soft fouling removal under water by using water under high pressure. These pressures can go up to 14000 pounds per square inch using a combination of nozzeles.
Short Blasting Equipment
Used for cleaning welds with a combination of pressurized air and copper slag for SA 2.5 dull matt finish.
Air Quads
A rack of high Pressure 50 litre cylinders which are used to supply breathing gas (compressed air) to the diver
Medical O2 Quads
A rack of high Pressure 50 litre cylinders which are used to supply Medical O2 to the diver for purposes of decompression or treatment under pressure
L. P. Compressors
Equipment which is used to supply low pressure compressed breathing air to the diver
H. P. Compressors
Equipment which is used to charge diver bail out bottles and SCUBA cylinders with breathing quality air.
Underwater Inspection Equipment
- Underwater Still Camera
- Underwater Real Time Picture System – CCTV
- Ultrasonic Thickness Meter
- Cathodic Protection Potential Meter complete with surface read out unit
- M.P.I Unit complete with Cable (Coil type)